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Educational Programes

Everyone can learn creating apps based on


In today’s tech and AI-powered world, making apps is crucial to students expressing their ideas and becoming agents of change!

Everybody should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.                                ​                                                                                ——Steve Jobs


Thanks technology

 Free Crash Course 

Join us and get the zoom link !

Giving back to community

2024 Thanksgiving Crash Course  

This Thanksgiving, the App-In Club is hosting our traditional free crash course to celebrate the season of gratitude with innovation and learning. We invite students of all skill levels to explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence and learn to create impactful apps using MIT App Inventor! 

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2024 Summer Crash Course  


We're excited to announce our UI Design Course! Join us THIS SATURDAY July 6th for an opportunity to dive into the world of "clean" User Interface (UI) design. UI design is a crucial aspect of app development that significantly influences how users perceive and interact with your app.

Over three weeks, we’ll explore Computer Vision AI—an amazing tech that allows computers to see and understand images—all while building cool Apps with MIT App Inventor.

Week 1 Haley Zhang: Kick things off with an intro to AI, computer vision, and MIT App Inventor. Together, we’ll create an image classifier app that can recognize parts of your Thanksgiving feast and suggest healthy eating habits.

Week 2 Haley Zhang: Get moving with PoseNet! We’ll build a Jumping Jack Tracker App to count your reps and keep the energy going strong.


Week 3 Tianyi Huang: AI research (No Recording)


2024 App-Innovator Summer Camp

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2024 Girl-Lead SPRING Crash Course  

The future of tech is bright, and it's being led by the next generation of innovative thinkers—starting with young women at the helm. The App-In Club invites you to join our Girl-Led Spring Crash Course, where our award-winning female officers take the lead in imparting the wonders of app creation using MIT App Inventor.

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Class 1 4/14: Sarina Feng (WAICY,  Sliver Award)

Data types, math operations, MIT app inventor navigation

Class 2 4/21: Catherine Zhang (Miss Jr Teen California US)

If statements, for loops Dice roll simulator:


Class 3 4/28: Michelle Yang (MIT APPATHON 2023, First Place)

Lists and dictionaries, instead of a contact book for students in a class, it will be filled with information about different art species (online gallery)

MIT APP INVENTOR CRASH COURSE 2, Class 1: Diving into AI & MIT App Inventor #education #coding #cs

MIT APP INVENTOR CRASH COURSE 2, Class 1: Diving into AI & MIT App Inventor #education #coding #cs

*MIT App Inventor Crash Course 2**! This course will be a journey into the world of AI and mobile app development! **📚 Class 1: Diving into AI & MIT App Inventor** 3/25/2023 - Discover the fascinating realm of AI and its role in mobile apps - Uncover the magic behind MIT App Inventor and its potential - Craft your first AI infused app using MIT App Inventor's intuitive interface **🧠 Class 2: Machine Learning Unleashed** 4/1/2023 - Unravel the secrets of machine learning in app development - Meet the AI2Blockly extension and learn to train machine learning models in App Inventor - Put your trained model to the test in a functional app **🗣️ Class 3: NLP - The Art of Conversation** 4/8/2023 - Define NLP and its application in mobile apps - Get acquainted with the Text Analyzer extension for sentiment analysis and keyword extraction in App Inventor - Create apps that speak and listen using Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text extensions **👁️ Class 4: Visionaries of Computer Vision** 4/15/2023 - Explore the concept of computer vision in app development - Master the Image Recognizer extension to detect objects and faces in App Inventor - Capture images using the Camera extension and utilize them for computer vision tasks ️ *Please note that the material may be subject to change based on class progression.* Join our discord link: App-In Club, inspired by youth app inventors, aims to be a global student non-profit organization to impact our world through creating apps! No matter who you are or where you are, everyone can become full and active contributors to tomorrow’s society! Let's APP-IN TOGETHER, APP-FOR GOOD!


*MIT App Inventor Crash Course 2**! This course will be a journey into the world of AI and mobile app development! **📚 Class 1: Diving into AI & MIT App Inventor** 3/25/2023 - Discover the fascinating realm of AI and its role in mobile apps - Uncover the magic behind MIT App Inventor and its potential - Craft your first AI infused app using MIT App Inventor's intuitive interface **🧠 Class 2: Machine Learning Unleashed** 4/1/2023 - Unravel the secrets of machine learning in app development - Meet the AI2Blockly extension and learn to train machine learning models in App Inventor - Put your trained model to the test in a functional app **🗣️ Class 3: NLP - The Art of Conversation** 4/8/2023 - Define NLP and its application in mobile apps - Get acquainted with the Text Analyzer extension for sentiment analysis and keyword extraction in App Inventor - Create apps that speak and listen using Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text extensions **👁️ Class 4: Visionaries of Computer Vision** 4/15/2023 - Explore the concept of computer vision in app development - Master the Image Recognizer extension to detect objects and faces in App Inventor - Capture images using the Camera extension and utilize them for computer vision tasks ️ *Please note that the material may be subject to change based on class progression.* Join our discord link: App-In Club, inspired by youth app inventors, aims to be a global student non-profit organization to impact our world through creating apps! No matter who you are or where you are, everyone can become full and active contributors to tomorrow’s society! Let's APP-IN TOGETHER, APP-FOR GOOD!


*MIT App Inventor Crash Course 2**! This course will be a journey into the world of AI and mobile app development! **📚 Class 1: Diving into AI & MIT App Inventor** 3/25/2023 - Discover the fascinating realm of AI and its role in mobile apps - Uncover the magic behind MIT App Inventor and its potential - Craft your first AI infused app using MIT App Inventor's intuitive interface **🧠 Class 2: Machine Learning Unleashed** 4/1/2023 - Unravel the secrets of machine learning in app development - Meet the AI2Blockly extension and learn to train machine learning models in App Inventor - Put your trained model to the test in a functional app **🗣️ Class 3: NLP - The Art of Conversation** 4/8/2023 - Define NLP and its application in mobile apps - Get acquainted with the Text Analyzer extension for sentiment analysis and keyword extraction in App Inventor - Create apps that speak and listen using Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text extensions **👁️ Class 4: Visionaries of Computer Vision** 4/15/2023 - Explore the concept of computer vision in app development - Master the Image Recognizer extension to detect objects and faces in App Inventor - Capture images using the Camera extension and utilize them for computer vision tasks ️ *Please note that the material may be subject to change based on class progression.* Join our discord link: App-In Club, inspired by youth app inventors, aims to be a global student non-profit organization to impact our world through creating apps! No matter who you are or where you are, everyone can become full and active contributors to tomorrow’s society! Let's APP-IN TOGETHER, APP-FOR GOOD!
MIT APP INVENTOR CRASH COURSE 2, CLASS 4:Computer Vision- Master the Image Recognizer Extension#app

MIT APP INVENTOR CRASH COURSE 2, CLASS 4:Computer Vision- Master the Image Recognizer Extension#app

*MIT App Inventor Crash Course 2**! This course will be a journey into the world of AI and mobile app development! **📚 Class 1: Diving into AI & MIT App Inventor** 3/25/2023 - Discover the fascinating realm of AI and its role in mobile apps - Uncover the magic behind MIT App Inventor and its potential - Craft your first AI infused app using MIT App Inventor's intuitive interface **🧠 Class 2: Machine Learning Unleashed** 4/1/2023 - Unravel the secrets of machine learning in app development - Meet the AI2Blockly extension and learn to train machine learning models in App Inventor - Put your trained model to the test in a functional app **🗣️ Class 3: NLP - The Art of Conversation** 4/8/2023 - Define NLP and its application in mobile apps - Get acquainted with the Text Analyzer extension for sentiment analysis and keyword extraction in App Inventor - Create apps that speak and listen using Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text extensions **👁️ Class 4: Visionaries of Computer Vision** 4/15/2023 - Explore the concept of computer vision in app development - Master the Image Recognizer extension to detect objects and faces in App Inventor - Capture images using the Camera extension and utilize them for computer vision tasks ️ *Please note that the material may be subject to change based on class progression.* Join our discord link: App-In Club, inspired by youth app inventors, aims to be a global student non-profit organization to impact our world through creating apps! No matter who you are or where you are, everyone can become full and active contributors to tomorrow’s society! Let's APP-IN TOGETHER, APP-FOR GOOD!

2023 SPRING Crash Course 2 

3/ 25 - 4/15, 2023 Every Saturday 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 

2023 INTRO To AI Crash Course 

4/ 10 - 4/15, 2023 Every Day 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 

2023 Thanksgiving Crash Course

11/ 25- 12/16, 2023 Every Saturday 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 

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